Test ‘n’ tune scheduled for Saturday at Lucas Oil Speedway

Lucas Oil Speedway roars to life for the first time in 2022 on Saturday with an open test ‘n’ tune scheduled from 2-6 p.m. on the dirt oval.

Competitors in each of the three Summit USRA Weekly Racing Series classes—Cedar Creek Beef Jerky USRA Modifieds, O'Reilly Auto Parts Medieval USRA Stock Cars and Ozark Golf Cars USRA B-Mods—plus Hermitage Lumber Late Models and any others from the region are invited to participate.

Grandstand admission is free and pit passes are $25 ($10 for ages 5 and under). Concessions behind the pit-side grandstand will be open with a limited menu. Race fuel, tires and Lucas Oil products also will be available for sale.

"This is a great chance for our drivers to come and get some testing done before the season gets underway," Lucas Oil Speedway General Manager Danny Lorton said. "With free grandstand admission, it's also a great chance for our fans to come out after a long winter and see cars on the track again."

Another test ‘n’ tune is set for Saturday, April, 16 from 4-6 p.m.

The 9th Annual Pitts Homes MLRA Spring Nationals are set for April 22-23. The Big Adventure RV Weekly Racing Series Spring Opener opener is scheduled for April 30.

For ticket information for any future event at Lucas Oil Speedway, contact Admissions Director Nichole McMillan at (417) 295-6043 or via email at nichole@lucasoilspeedway.com.